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We Must Build


It is in our nature.
Everyone in the Boston-Cambridge tech community, whatever we do, are builders at heart. We all want to solve problems together to build a community that is bigger than ourselves.

Why this is different

WeMustBuild is not an attempt to create yet another 501(c)(3) nonprofit to “give back.”

WeMustBuild was founded with the goal of reinventing the entire nonprofit sector to allow it to catch up with the realities of the modern world.

Our goal is to create a software backbone that is more like a protocol, to centralize and then eliminate overhead and transaction costs, while being an open platform that allows decentralization and diversity of solutions to flourish.

If you understand the concepts behind Wikipedia, Bitcoin, and the Internet itself, you have an idea of what we are up to.

Change the Model • Align Incentives

Let's face it, the nonprofit sector has some serious structural issues. Incentives are misaligned, which means energy is not focused, and problems are not permanently solved. They are only addressed or highlighted until the next crises or cause grabs the headlines. There is a different model possible, one that better aligns incentives so that actual solutions will arise from the ideas and goals of all participants, not just from powerful players with their own motives and agenda.

Open Source • Show Your Work

If you learn something useful, it costs practically nothing to share it with the world. If you show the nuts and bolts and flaws of your work, you will earn trust, and someone you've never met will help you make it better. If you do all your work in the open, constituents can alert you if you are going off course, can offer valuable information and insight, can make the work better, and will be personally invested in helping the work succeed.  

Open Books • Show Your Results

Sure you can find 990 tax forms online that any nonprofit that filed with the IRS, a year or two after they are current. But the forms are so opaque and provide no accountability or accuracy about where the money comes from, where it goes, or even how much time a board member actually contributes. I can't think of any nonprofit scandal that was uncovered from its 990. What about real-time, online open books showing each line item as it is incurred? The value of transparency isn't in being able to "catch" people making mistakes, it is that transparency prevents issues from happening in the first place, and raises everyone's performance.

No Fundraising • No Living Off the Cause Bureaucracy

The idea of guilting someone into "giving back" or setting up a fun social event that turns into an awkward and cringey request for money mixes incentives and hides its true costs in a way that creates unaccounted for negative externalities. If you win $2,000 dollars at a fundraising raffle for your charity, do you really want to walk away with the cash? Or what about charities that pay executives hundreds of thousands of dollars to manage their bureaucracy? Forget about what the "fair" salary is, maybe the world would just be better off without that bureaucracy?

Image By Paul Baran

Decentralized & Distributed Not Hierarchical

Currently too much of the nonprofit world consists of top-down hierarchical organizations. The assumption is that the people at the top "know best" because of their pedigree, status, or personal wealth. Like old-time monarchies or present-day dictatorships, the truth is that resources are only allocated well when there is the opportunity for all participants to "vote" for their own interests by paying a "price." The problem in the nonprofit ecosystem is that cash is not the right currency to best allocate public goods. A better mechanism to allocate resources is possible.

No Transaction Costs or Middlemen

If your charitable contribution toward disaster relief loses 10% of its impact simply by virtue of an electronic transfer of money, then something is seriously wrong. Private companies siphon off billions of dollars from relief efforts, which is the choice donors make now because there is little alternative. But there surely can be a donor platform that is a public good that collects zero rent from the process. In the same way Amazon has collapsed the cost of many industries, we can create a pro bono publico platform to greatly reduce and then eliminate so much of the waste in the nonprofit ecosystem.

Our Secret Mission

  • Help people realize there is an opportunity to drastically improve the nonprofit sector.
  • Connect like-minded innovators in the tech community.
  • Host monthly meetups for people who want to learn from each other and contribute.
  • Communicate progress and solicit feedback and participation through emails, podcasts, articles, interviews, social media, and other channels.
  • Host an annual conference for the most innovative minds to reconsider the nonprofit world.
  • Build a open software platform that becomes the “marketplace” for nonprofit solutions.


Think about what is possible.

The highest miracle is to discover who you are.
That is the ultimate possibility.
- Amit Ray

Our Goals for 2018:

People Building the Platform
External Clients using the Platform API
Real People Using the Platform
Transactions completed on the Platform

Our Team Will Reinvent How Nonprofits Work.
Join Us!
And Bring Your Friends...

This organization just started March 17, 2018, and we are looking for smart, compassionate people to join this movement. Watch this short two-minute TED talk by Derek Sivers to see how it is going to happen:

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne
Shirtless Dancing Guy
Harvard, MIT, UPenn
First Developer
First Marketer
First Designer


"I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit."
-John F. Kennedy

Thinking about Nonprofits

Weekly articles deconstructing nonprofits down to first principles to rebuild them in a new way.

Innovation doesn’t mean creating something new, it means replacing an old solution with something better.

Money vs. Time vs. Attention vs. Focus

This article will be posted shortly. Join the mailing list to find…

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The Fundraising Mindset: It’s a Trap!!!

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How to solve the P vs NP Problem

This article will be posted shortly. Join the mailing list to find…

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How To Help

 There are many ways to participate and connect.

Find a way that works for you and your level of attention.

Join the mailing list below to find out more when each initiative launches.

Join Our Monthly Mailing List

Pretty easy to do. This is a monthly update so you can see our progress.

Monthly Meetup

Meet, socialize, and brainstorm with other tech people that you know care about the world. Join the mailing list for now to find out where and when.

Listen to the Podcast

We're launching a podcast called "Unbound - Conversations with people who think differently."

Follow @WeMustBuild on Twitter

That's right, it's the old school Twitter logo, Larry Bird.

Follow us on Github

Help us build.

First Sector Conference

Why do nonprofits accept being the "Third Sector?" No longer. An annual Fall conference in Cambridge for the most innovative minds in the nonprofit sector.

1. Join the Monthly Mailing List!